
小学校運動会 Sports day 

First sports day at the primary school. Sarah's programs were footrace, dance, ball toss, giant ball roll and realy - she played hard and looked vivid :-) The next day we went to Toneri park for Adbor Day. We take care young plants of  hydrangea, olive and blueberry which we received there.  Finally, we went to Tokyo Disneyland on Sarah's compensating holiday. She loves roller coasters :-) All in all, fulfilling 3 days and I'm taking the business trip in Europe for almost 3 weeks from today.






富士山の麓 Foot of Mt. Fuji

富士山の麓でキャンプをしてきました!ふもとっぱらでは、三方を山に囲まれ、広大な草原で伸び伸びと過ごせました♪芝桜も綺麗なシーズンで、沙羅も「また富士山の麓に行きたい!」だそうです ;-)
We have camped at the foot of Mountain Fuji. At the Fumotoppara camp site, we could stay in a relaxing way with the wide grassland and the flower moss phlox was the full of bloom :-) Sarah said, "I want to go camping at the foot of Mt. Fuji again!" ;-)