
初結婚式 Sarah's First Wedding Ceremony

Sarah's first time to attend a wedding ceremony in Tokyo. In addition to the wonderful foods and drinks, she played around right and left in the wedding reception ;-) Sarah said, "The wedding party was a lot of fun!!"


沙羅の初マラソン Sarah's First Marathon

Sarah has challenged her first Marathon - she joined the Kids Marathon in the Kitakyushu Marathon this year and completed 500-meter run! Sarah shouted at the goal, "I want to run again ;-)"


豆まき Bean-throwing Ceremony

We have done the Bean-throwing Ceremony this year - Sarah threw beans with saying "In with good fortune! Out with the demons" in a loud voice. She also ate Ehomaki (sushi roll eaten during setsubun) and 3 beans corresponding to her age wishing her health and happiness ;-)