
近況報告(2012年春) Quarterly News (2012 Spring)


I hope this mail finds all with you go well. It has been getting warmer surrounded by vivid green and flowers in Tokyo and let me tell you about my recent news as follows:

1. Business

- The carbon tax we tried to push through the Congress was passed in the end of March so will be implemented from this October. Likewise, tax incentives for spreading eco-cars and energy saving housing as well as renewable energy were put into practice by the passage of the tax reform bill 2012. (Link)

- In order to promote the environmental measures through taxation continuously, we have just decided to form the investigative commission on greener taxation and deliberate on the further policies for promoting it. (Link)

- As for the international context, I am going to attend the OECD Joint Meeting for the Taxation and Environment Experts in early June. Also I am flying to Colombia, South America, in the middle of June to make a presentation about the Japanese environmental tax reform as well as opinion exchanges with their experts. (being in Paris from May 31 to June 2 and Bogota from June 10 to 14 so if some of you are there at the same time, I hope we can meet together then)

2. Privates

- In the end of April, my wife Miki and my girl Sarah (almost 4month old) came back to Tokyo and started living with me together. With a big joy and a small struggle, I really have been enjoying childcare (I am in charge of taking a bath together every evening). My current motivation in life is to see Sarah’s smile and everyday growth. If you come to Tokyo, please drop by our house near Shinjuku and have a look at her.
(Sarah’s main pictures: Link)

- As my weight scale has found my physical age as 42 years old (!), I have decided to commute by bicyle, practice golf on early morning and try one meal a day (some book’s recommendation but usually I fail it thanks to hunger). However, my physical age is still older than my actual age by 10years…(I will do my best for my fit)

That’s all for my recent news. Best wishes for your good health and success.

Kindest regards,



○ これまで導入を目指してきた地球温暖化対策税が去る3月末に成立し、本年10月から施行されることになりました。併せてエコカー減税や省エネ住宅、再生可能エネルギーへの減税など環境関連の措置も平成24年度税制改正により実現しました。(リンク

○ 引き続き、税制を通じた環境対策を進めていくために、税制全体のグリーン化推進検討会を開催して、今後のあり方を検討していくことになりました。(リンク

○ 国際関係では、6月初旬にOECDで開催される税と環境専門家会合に出席します。また、6月中旬には、南米のコロンビアに行き、日本の環境税制改革についての講演や政府・議会関係者との意見交換を行う予定です。(5月31日~6月2日までパリに、6月10日~14日までコロンビア・ボゴタにいますので、その間現地にいらっしゃる方はぜひお会いしましょう)


○ 4月末から妻と子が東京・新宿に帰ってきました。四苦八苦しながら育児を手伝っています(夕方お風呂に入れる担当になりました)。子ども(沙羅。もうすぐ4ヶ月)の笑顔と日々の成長を見るのが何より楽しみです。お近くにお越しの際は、ぜひ我が家(新宿駅から徒歩10分)に遊びに来て、一目見てやってください(ご連絡、お待ちしています)。

○ タニタの体重計に乗って身体年齢を図ると42才!と言われたので、自転車通勤、早朝ゴルフ打ちっぱなしに加え、一日一食が良いという本のアドバイスに則った食生活を試みて(ほぼ挫折して)いますが、年齢は実年齢より10才老けたままです。引き続き、頑張ります。


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