
初めての経験 Sarah's first time

初めてドレスを着ました。Her first time to wear a dress.
お食い初め(おくいぞめ)をしました。Her first time to eat just 100days after her birth. (The ceremony called Okuizome is performed in hopes that the child would never have to worry about food. The Okuizome usually occurs 100 days after birth when the child starts to eat baby food. )
初めて鯉のぼりを見ました。Her fist time to watch many carp streamers. (Many families with boys fly carp streamers outdoors on May 5 because it is believed that the carp is a symbol of a successful career.)
初めて帽子を被りました。Her first time to take on the hat.
これからもたくさんの初めてをしていこう。Let's have many your first-time experiences everyday!

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