
原点 Origin

  • ①今は幾分かキレイになりましたが、子どもの時毎年夏に自転車漕いで行っていた江ノ島・鵠沼海岸は濁った緑色をしていました。これをテレビで見るようなブルーオーシャンにしたいと思いました
  • ②近所の石名坂清掃工場に見学に行った際、そのゴミの量に圧倒されるとともに、ショックだったのが残り数年でごみ捨て場が一杯になると教わった事でした。この大量消費を何とかしないと未来がないと危機感を持ちました
  • ③小学校の国語の時間に地球がどんどん暑くなって、氷も溶けるという話を教科書で読みました。その時はどうしたら良いか分かりませんでしたが、何とかして食い止めないとと想いを抱きました
  • ④近所の化学工場からダイオキシンが排水と共に流出し、我が家も含めて近隣を汚染しました。こうした問題が起きないよう、いかに予防するかが大事と感じました
Recently I was busy and forgot my initial resolutions, but there were four triggers that I wanted to do environmental work when I was a kid.  That is, the 4 points are 1) local marine pollution in Shonan, 2) exhausted diposal sites I learned in the local incinerataion plant, 3) global warming, and 4) local contamination by Dioxins on my house.
  • 1) Although much better now, Enoshima, Kugenuma Beach, where I went on the bicycle every summer when I was a child, used to be dirty green colour.  I wanted to make it Blue Ocean something like showed on TV. 
  • 2) When visiting the nearby Ishinazaka incineration plant, not only I was overwhelmed by high volume of waste, but also I was shocked by the fact that the dumping place would be full in the next few years.  I felt this is a crisis and no future unless managing the mass consumption issue. 
  • 3) I read the story from the textbook that the earth gets hotter and the ice melts when at the elementary school. I was convinced to tackle climate change somehow. 
  • 4) Dioxins run out with drainage from nearby chemical plants and polluted the neighborhood including my home.  This told me that it's important to take precautionary actions study not to cause such a thing in the first place.
The work I'm doing now is related to the above all: to prevent marine pollution from plastic spills; conserve resources by 3Rs to make effective use of resources; minimize CO2 emissions by such as converting to renewable alternatives; and prevent from marine contamination. So I'm 100% sure that mycurrent work is a genius and refreshed my mind :-)

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