
南米コロンビア出張 Business trip to Colombia

I have just been to Bogota, the capital city of Colombia, on business for almost 1 week. This was my first visit in Latin America. (To see all the pictures taken in Colombia, click here.)

内容は、コロンビア国立大学における日本の税制のグリーン化に関する基調講演を行ったほか、 コロンビア財務省・歳入庁、コロンビア環境省、ボゴタ地方環境局(案内※スペイン語)、またコロンビア産業界(電気・ガス・水等の供給部門の業界団体)に対して日本の環境税制の取組みをレクチャーしたり、コロンビアの環境問題やその解決に向けた税制の活用方策などについての意見交換を行ってきました。
My business agendas are: 
1) the presentation at the National University of Colombia on the Japan's environmental taxation and 
2) the lectures and discussion on the green taxation with 
   i)  the Ministry of Finance and Taxation Agency, 
   ii)  the Ministry of the Environment, 
   iii) the Environmental Secretary at the Bogota District (Notice in Spanish), as well as 
   iv) the industrial association (energy supply sector such as electricity, gas, oil and water).  

I also was interviewed by the major economic newspaper (called "Portfolio" and here comes its article in Spanish) and local TV.  

During the business, I also visited 
1) Guatavita, the lake originating El Dorad, 
2) the Gold Museum where my friend at the UK university has worked for, 
3) Monserrate which is more than 3100 meter high and where we can overview the city, and so on.  

Although some people may feel Guerrilla, Drug, Kidnap as the images of Colombia, my impressions on it especially Bogota were not like those:
1) It has comfortable weather with 10-20 degree Celsius all the time
2) It has vivid evergreen like the UK
3) People in Colombia are cheerful, kind, industrious and happy with their family
4) Colombian dishes may suit for Japanese as typically stewing meats, soup with vegetable, variety of fruits and rice. 
5) Their skyscrapers, shopping malls and exclusive neighborhood look somewhere in Japan.  
In particular, people from the government usually have studied abroad, speak fluent English, know environmental policy and international circumstances so their arguments are well organised.  In addition, my friends and their family in Colombia treated me as family thus I feel Colombia is my home.   
On the other hand, the wealth gap is heaven and hell. It is likely that people living in an unsafe countryside move to Bogota. There are slums where even policy cannot step into in Bogota. It is said that politicians and public servants go for bribery and are tainted by corruption. There is no train system in Bogota and traffic congestion and air pollution by emission are significant. Overall, there are plenty of things to do.    

It takes more than 20 hours from Tokyo to Colombia via New York (e.g. 12-hour flight, several hours for transit, 6-hour flight again). But if possible, I would really love to visit there again :p

【追伸】 経済情勢 (6月分) 2012年7月 在コロンビア日本大使館
12 日,環境保護を目的としたグリーン税の専門家である井上雄祐氏(環境省勤務)が,ナショナル大学の招待でコロンビアを訪問し,同大学にて日本の環境政策について講演を行った。(14 日,当地紙報道)

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