
In Paris パリ出張

仕事でパリに行ってきました。いい天気でした。Just been to Paris for business purpose. It was a good weather though!

(アップロードした写真はコチラから。 To see all the pictures taken in Paris, click here.)



My business was to attend the OECD meeting called "Joint Meeting of Tax and Environment Experts". Those experts were mainly bureaucrats from member states plus observer states like China and Brazil. The main contents was information exchange - explanations about the progress on several research and analysis having been done by OECD secretariats and comments from each member state were requested. It seemed to me that generally email/document exchange or international telephone conference can be substitutable for this kind of face-to-face meeting, apart from a meeting for 1) the decision-making on which research/analysis to be conducted at first stage and 2) the approval on reports at final stage.

From the round table presentations, one of the outstanding reports was that Australia has completely amended their mineral resource extraction tax and new one is implemented from this July. Another was Korea has introduced the emission trading scheme against climate change. As for Japan, our presentation was poorly handled by the secretariats so appeared to be postponed to next time this Autumn in November.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Mr Inoue,

    Please check your sanmamaria inbox since I have been emailing you to your corporate email account and it seems my mesaages are not reaching you.

    Kindest regards,

